Thursday, February 9, 2012

A slight introduction. :)

Hello and welcome to my blog,

   I started this blog months ago because I really wanted a place to post things of interest, health tips, discuss controversial and Biblical issues, but most importantly to encourage others girls in the Lord.  This is my second personal blog, but I purposely made this one open to the public so I could share with others.  I thought I'd start by telling you a little bit about myself.  I figured it might help in future when you read some of my bizarre posts and wonder who is this red-haired radical, health minded firebrand? ;)  If you met me, you'd probably laugh at the conflict between how I act and how I write.  In person I tend to be laid back, easy going, kinda of a pushover, extreme people pleaser, and have enough empathy to fill a dump truck. ;) BUT if you get me talking about any number of things that make me tick or I'm passionate about (which are quite a few)'ll see my red roots showing. ;)  It's kinda funny that only certain people can bring the "feistyness" out in me.  Thank the Lord I can count those few "unfortunate" people on one hand. :P  If you are laid back and easy going, you will probably never see this side of me, but if you like to debate and are equally passionate and visionary'll know. ;) 

Another thing I'm known for is my love for writing!  My "box" of approx 15-20 journals proves this fact! On a daily or weekly basis I have the urge to write about something or another.  Usually it's a topic relating to work, home, the economy, a book I read, or just my sinful heart. :(  Writing is kinda like exercise for me. I helps me relax and unwind my crazy mixed up thoughts on "why I keep meeting young families that don't wish to have anymore children, how are you supposed to encourage each other in the faith if all we say is hello and goodbye, why are we surprised by suffering, why do we eat as though there is no tomorrow, and if we are to be distinct why do guys look like girls and girls look like name a few! ;) I often can't sleep at night because I have a blog post or "book" being drafted in my head. :P  At this moment, my blog inbox is FULL of 2-3 foot long posts.  I have unfinished posts on contentment, being fruitful (e.g. having children), burying our heads in the sand/preparing for the future, filling a hopechest, feminine guys, femininity, worldliness, trusting in God when things get difficult etc... I was really hoping to post some of these soon, but they are still there"unfinished." :( I was telling my girlfriend that "no wonder I keep getting frustrated with not being able to finish my posts...I'm writing books not blog posts!" Lol Anyways, I finally decided that I just need to post SOMETHING and work up to the lengthier posts. ;)

I must admit I like a good debate and can certainly get carried away at times, but I also know that personally I am best reached and touched when a person speaks to me in love.  When I put the shoe on my own foot, the Lord humbles me and ....I write differently.  Yes, sin is sin.  My writing shouldn't change in that department, but where's my love?  Where's my compassion?  If someone is hurt, I have no issue with compassion.  If they are upset, I have plenty of compassion.  If they are in tears, I am in tears.  If they are in sin, why should I rant at them?  Have I checked my own eye for a mote?  I need to speak truth with compassion.  Many of the posts I put on here will come from a heart struggling with the same issues, but know that you are not alone in these struggles!  I wish I could say that I have all the answers.  I'm 23 going on 24, but there are times when I feel like I desperately need the milk of the scriptures!  I have been in 2 relationships and yet there are times where someone needs to konk me on the head and tell me to give him up! Trust God!  You would think by now I would have learned that one??  I have fought illness since I was born, I have loved and lost, planted and uprooted, shouted with joy and cried tears of pain and have felt the flames of sanctification too many times to count.  And yet, I have SO much to learn!!!  I hope that all my posts, if controversial or touchy, are grounded in sola Scriptura and seasoned with compassion and not full of my own sinful pride for who am I, but a wretch saved by grace?

    I have learned and been encouraged by many girls on many blogs around the United States.  I hope that my blog can encourage others as I have been encouraged and bless as I have been blessed.  It's hard to find like minded girls in this day and age and I must admit that knowing that their ARE other girls out there fighting the very uplifting! :)  Even if my blog just encourages one girl to keep her eyes fixed on God, Amen!  My purpose for this blog is more than fulfilled!

Please feel free to leave comments as I am no expert and would love your input!

May the Lord richly bless you!



1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kaitlin! This post is so you :) I know this blog will be an encouragement to at LEAST one girl :) Love you!
