Monday, April 9, 2012

The need for preparation....

 I realize the video below is possibly old hat for most of you, but still a good reminder! It's true that we can get carried away with the whole prepper thing, but people used to grow their own food, preserve their food and were much more self-sufficient than we are today! We seem to think that America today is how things always have been...hardly! We live in a false reality. Our economy is on the verge of collapse and yet we live in a false utopia! I think it's important for all of us to be continually reminded of the need to prepare and just become more self-sufficient. Overall, I think the guy in this video does a good job of just getting people thinking, but as one person pointed out, stocking up is good, but secrecy is also essential! What's the point preparing if you become a target for those who didn't think ahead? Let me know your thoughts. I'd be interested in how you all are choosing to prepare as well.

Preppers Are Crazy

Preppers are Crazy (Video) 

"Those who are stocking food, water, guns, and supplies may be crazy, but they’re not as crazy as they used to be. Via Prepper Web Site and Modern Survival Online and

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