Friday, September 7, 2012

Complete Consecration...


"Give me all of you!!! I don’t want so much of your time, so much of your talents and money, and so much of your work. I want YOU!!! ALL OF YOU!! I have not come to torment or frustrate the natural man or woman, but to KILL IT! No half measure will do. I don’t want to only prune a branch here and a branch there; rather I want the whole tree out! Hand it over o me, the whole outfit, all of your desires, all of your wants and wishes and dreams. Turn them ALL over to me, give yourself to me and I will make of you a new self---in my image. Give me yourself and in exchange I will give you Myself. My will, shall become your will. My heart, shall become your heart."  ~C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Third Millennium Ministries

~Third Millennium Ministries~

 This is a super neat site that a friend shared with me! It has millions of resources that you can use for free. All the courses, study guides, instruction available for FREE for people who are not interested in the certification! Although you can receive certification if you are interested. More info on site. You can read, listen, or watch any of the materials. The courses they offer are listed below. Each has numerous videos, articles, etc...attached. You can access their different course by the links below or just go to This list can be viewed on their site by pushing "WATCH" on the top bar of their website and selecting "How to use the Seminary Curriculum."

  1. The Apostles' Creed
  2. Building Your Theology
  3. Building Systematic Theology
  4. Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament
  5. The Gospels
  6. We Believe in Jesus
  7. The Book of Acts
  8. Building Biblical Theology
  9. The Heart of Paul's Theology
  10. The Primeval History
  11. Paul's Prison Epistles
  12. Father Abraham
  13. Making Biblical Decisions
  14. He Gave Us Prophets

This is a new course they just came out with....looks super interesting! :) Would be cool considering many of us are in the thick of end times. :P


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Complete Surrender

"Now we our failure to keep God's law except by trying our very hardest (and then failing). Unless we really try, whatever we say there will always be at the back of our minds the idea that if we try harder next time we shall succeed in being completely good. Thus, in one sense, the road back to God is a road of moral effort, of trying harder and harder. But in another sense it is not trying that is ever going tobring us home. All this trying leads up to the vital moment at which you turn to God and say, "You must do this. I can't."
~C.S. Lewis

"What is it about tears that should be so terrifying? the touch of God is marked by tears...deep, soul-shaking tears, comes when that last barrier is down and you surrender yourself to health and wholeness" ~David Wilkerson 

"You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have." 

~Corrie Ten Boom 

“The highest glory of the creature is in being only a vessel, to receive and enjoy and show forth the glory of God. It can do this only as it is willing to be nothing in itself, that God may be all. Water always fills first the lowest places. The lower, the emptier a man lies before God, the speedier and the fuller will be the inflow of the diving glory.” ~Andrew Murray 

"The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us. " ~A.W. Tozer

“The sooner I learn to forget myself in the desire that He may be glorified, the richer will be the blessing that prayer will bring to myself. No one ever loses by what he sacrifices to the Father.” ~Andrew Murray 

"No enthusiasm will ever stand the strain that Jesus Christ will put upon His worker, only one thing will, and that is a personal relationship to Himself which has gone through the mill of His spring-cleaning until there is only one purpose left--I am here for God to send me where He will." ~Oswald Chambers

"If my life is surrendered to God, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine!" ~Elisabeth Elliott 

“Here is the path to the higher life: down, lower down! Just as water always seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment God finds men abased and empty, His glory and power flow in to exalt and to bless.” 
~Andrew Murray

"I wish Thy way.
But when in me myself would rise
And long for something otherwise
Then, Holy One, take sword and spear
And slay." ~Amy Carmichael

"There are no real personalities apart from God. Until you have given up your self to Him you will not have a real self. Sameness is to be found most among the most 'natural' men, not among those who surrender to Christ. How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerers have been; how gloriously different are the saints.

But there must be a real giving up of the self. You must throw it away 'blindly' so to speak. Christ will indeed give you a real personality; but you must not go to Him for the sake of that. As long as your own personality is what you are bothering about you are not going to Him at all. The very first step is to try to forget about the self altogether. Your real, new self (which is Christ's and also yours, and yours just because it is His) will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for Him...Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have not given away will be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ, and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in." ~C.S. Lewis

"Perhaps only when human effort had done it's best and failed, would God's power alone be free to work." ~Corrie Ten Boom 

"Only God is capable of telling us what our rights and needs are. You have to surrender that right to Him." ~Joni Eareckson Tada

"Be still and know that I AM God." ~Ps 46:10 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

She will do him good ALL the days of her life.

 "One by one each item was
lovingly pulled out
and gently laid forth by the hands 
of an older sister. 
Watching intently, the little girl's
face glowed and her heart
beat with anticipation as yet another
treasure was revealed.
Each item held something special.
Each one a story to be told.
Many from the hands of loving parents,
but some specially chosen
by the young woman to be included 
in this precious collection.
It was simple to see that this was no mere
collection of random things,
but contained future hopes and dreams
yet unfulfilled. Awaiting the arrival of the
one for whom her heart was kept and whose
home she was designed to bless."  

     As a girl, I loved to sit and watch as my much older sister laid out her hope chest wares! It is one of my favorite childhood memories. She didn't have a "hope chest" per se, but she certainly had a closet full of things. Both of my older sisters were well equipped for starting their own homes long before Mr. Right (if you'll permit me) came along. My parents desired that their girls wouldn't enter a marriage empty handed and they instilled in us a desire to be prepared in a material way as well as an emotional, physical, and most importantly spiritually way. I thank my parents for creating in me this desire, but each girl has to accept it as her own. Honestly, it's rare that I meet a like-minded girl in this area and that's okay! Not everyone has to agree with me on this, but for those of you who have never thought much about it....I'd like to share with you what my parents have shared with me and what I hope to share, Lord willing, with my daughters someday.

A friend's hope chest....(

So where did the hope chest originate from?

History of hope chests:

     Okay, first some history. The traditional hope chests were wooden trunks or boxes that were used to store special articles of clothing and other household goods for a bride to use after her marriage. I find it neat that many hope chests were made by brothers and fathers or passed down by the mother or grandmother. In many countries, the bottom drawer in a girl's dresser was set aside for this purpose. Although many of us own beautifully designed hope chests, the original hope chests were more like trunks or wooden boxes. Although sturdy and durable, they were often made to be quickly disassembled for easy travel. Since a woman's hope chest became a family relic, built to last generations, it needed to travel well. I often wonder how many hope chests lay strewn on the many wagon trails headed West. I could easily see how they would be one of the hardest things to leave behind.

     The tradition of filling a hope chest seems to have developed from the dowry custom in the United States in the late 1800s. Upon marriage, young women were expected to bring a dowry with them into the marriage. This usually consisted of money and most of the items to set up their own home. Due to the enormity of the task, girls often started filling their hope chests at a very young age. Girls were taught to make quilts, sheets, table linens, as well as collect silverware, dishes etc... There were also many special mementos tucked safely away such as photographs, books, recipes passed down from generation to generation. At different times in history a girl's hope chest often contained her hand sewn wedding dress and appropriate clothing for the first few months of marriage.

     The parents were often a huge part of filling their daughter's chest. However, the amount of parental involvement usually depended on the income. If the family was wealthy the girl would have a very substantial dowry by the time she was of age or it was given all at once upon marriage. The gifts of a wealthier family were usually money, jewels, gold, silks etc....whereas a poorer family could only provide what their hands could create or perhaps hand-me-downs. In medieval Europe, numerous marriages were arranged by parents so as to merge family fortunes. A wealthy prospective groom’s family offered the bride’s family money, land, or even business ownership in order to win her hand in marriage. In turn, the bride’s family provided the new couple with everything they needed to start their lives together. This gift, which was called a dowry included linens, china, silverware, glassware, kitchen items, and even furniture. Gifts given varied, but always had value of some sort. For example, "Caleb gave to his daughter a dowry of a field with springs of water (Judges 1:15)."  Unfortunately, a girl whose parents were particularly poor usually had to create her dowry entirely on her own. It was disgraceful if a girl didn't have a dowry of some kind and often friends would help if needed to make sure the girl had a dowry. When a girl married, it was expected that she would come prepared to set up the new household. Granted, I believe that she had help with this task, but it was something that she was expected to do and something she truly focused on, delighted in, and blessed her husband with.


What are Bridal showers for anyways??? 

     The custom of the bridal shower was thought to have come from when a poor woman's family couldn't provide a dowry, or if her father refused a dowry because he didn't sanction the marriage. In these situations, friends of the woman would gather together and give gifts that would compensate for the amount of dowry lost so she could marry the man of her choice. As the story goes, there was a young Dutch girl who fell in love with a Dutch miller. He was poor, however, because he would always give his money to the more needy. When the young Dutch girl told her father that she wanted to marry the miller he disapproved and refused to offer a dowry. The townspeople did approve, however, and each brought a gift to help the young couple start their married lives. With such displays of generosity, the father was won over and so the bridal shower tradition began. Bridal showers also originated to strengthen friendships amongst the bride and her girl friends. They were to give the bride moral support and prepare her better for marriage. The giving of gifts is fairly new; originating in the 1890s. At one shower, the bride's friend placed gifts in a parasol that she held over the bride's head so that the gifts would "shower" over her. Once this word hit the fashion pages, other women decided they wanted bridal showers as well!

     It's easy to think, "why should I be preparing when I'll get everything and more at my bridal shower?" It's true bridal showers have been a traditional way for your family and friends to lovingly share in your joy and help you set up a household. However, they were not meant to literally "set you up." I look at showers as more of a way to bless a young couple and add to the substantial amount of things that the young lady has been thriftily putting away. Also, unless your parents are super wealthy and you attend numerous wedding showers with wealthy friends, it's not going to amount to much and honestly why should it? The community or family shouldn't bear the brunt of setting up every young couple that decides to marry. Bridal showers should be a time of joy and celebration and not of worry and collecting enough loot for your future home! And if you think that a few towels, kitchen supplies, etc...are going to start you out, you have no clue what it takes to start a home. You might say, "well, I don't expect my friends to supply much, but my family should help with that, right? I mean you mentioned that part about parents providing the dowry, right?" Perhaps, it's because I'm from a large family with tons of girls, and not a huge income that I see the importance of setting things aside. By the time all of us girls are married, my parents will have paid for six weddings! I don't know about you, but that's no small job and anything I can do to make that easier or assist my husband in making our first year easier are things that I would delight to do. I realize the idea of a dowry is old fashioned, but it certainly smacks of good sense! ;)

What does our unpreparedness say about us girls?

     I was garage saling last summer and overheard a conversation between two women about an upcoming community wedding. They were talking about the bridal shower and what they should purchase for the future bride.  The one lady said to the other, "anything would be helpful, she has basically nothing!" The tone of voice was sad, surprised, and honestly almost as though they were embarrassed for the poor girl! Too often I hear responses like this. My question, is why??? What does this say to the world around us about marriage? I think it says that we don't think marriage is important enough to prepare for OR even that marriage just takes us by surprise! Come on girls, we all know that someday we'll most likely get married, right? ;) Surprise, surprise. So, knowing that, what are you doing about it? When we prepare it shows that we consider marriage important and it demonstrates maturity and responsibility that we are thinking past today. I realize that the parents of the bride usually created the dowry,  but in most cases the daughter added to it or if she was poor created it all herself. Why not be the girl that was so prepared that other mothers admired you and hoped their daughters would follow in your footsteps? Why not delight in assisting your future husband, even now, by preparing to set up a future household with him? What's wrong with this idea? Old fashioned,  perhaps. Radical in today's society? Of course, but do you REALLY think your husband is going to say, "you know dear....I really wish you hadn't put so much "stock" in this hope chest idea? Of course not and if he does maybe he's not what you are looking for. No, he is going to thank the Lord for such a frugal and caring wife. Trust me I have brothers wanting to get married and sisters already married. :)

Things ain't what they used to be!

     Let me ask you a question. Do you have any clue what it takes to start a household? Although not experienced, I do have a "clue" (although that is about it :P) and it makes me dizzy just thinking about it. I don't desire to run from this reality in fear, but I must admit it's not going to be easy. My dad and I enjoy long talks about the future, politics, theology, and things of mutual interest. One thing that he has mentioned many a time, is how much harder it is for a young couple, just starting out, to make a go of it. Back in his day, the young man got out of highschool, got an average job, and "got hitched." However, things are very different in todays economy. It's so easy to say "but the man is the provider." YES, he certainly is, and NO you shouldn't usurp his no no, BUT he is saving up for a house, car, property etc.... Just think how nice it would be if more of his hard earned money could go towards those things instead of setting up the home? There's nothing unbiblical about preparing to set up your future home, in fact the idea of the dowry is very much connected with this idea.

What's the worth of your cedar bank?  

     Believe it or not the contents of your hope chest should be worth something! In a way, it's your dowry and should hold value. When you go into marriage the things you have carefully made, purchased etc... should hold some value, Lord willing. Most of us girls have saved sentimental things of worth, but have we thought about any real worth?? Although I'm a sentimental person and I must admit I like to collect such things, I cannot bake on scrap books or cook on china all the time. Sentimental things have their place please don't discount them, but also don't ONLY put value in them.

The desperate need for frugality!

     Just in passing I thought I'd mention how crucial it is that we learn frugality while we are single! This is something I struggle with being generous to a fault, but I've been working on it with the Lord's help, but it's not a habit easy created nor is overspending a bad habit easily broken. We all know that our future husbands will make less than our fathers, for the most part, but do we really understand what that means? Do we know how to do with less now? What makes us think that we'll stop and think with our husbands money later if we are spending our father's money like water now? Also, speaking of frugality don't break the bank buying things for your future. Be smart and savy and add as you can afford.

"Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Counting the costs!

     Once again, just in passing, for those of you planning weddings or thinking along those lines have you thought about wedding costs? Perhaps considered getting your dress used or at discount? Maybe having friends or family take pics, make the cake etc... I have been very impressed with how frugal and yet beautiful several of my friends weddings have been of late. Weddings don't have to put you in debt or drain the penny bank! Perhaps you'd rather save your money for this endeavor than for household items...not a bad idea. Just some thoughts...

Disclaimer: Throwing the baby out with the bath water?

     Although I'm advocating hope chests and setting things aside for your future homes, I think it's important that we don't put TOO much stock in material things!! For what good does it do if we "go to hell in a hope chest?" as one writer warns. Indeed, it's not like we can take anything with us when our Master calls us home. And to be completely honest I'd rather be poor as a church mouse when I get married, but have a humble, submissive, and obedient spirit than have a beautiful hope chest full of nice things! Prov 12:4, Prov 19:14, Prov 31:10 I can always buy things later, but godliness is hard to come by and only learned through trusting, self-sacrifice and the fires of sanctification. Okay, so you might be wondering by now why I think it's such a great thing to fill a hope chest IF, indeed, they are mere material things?? :P It's very easy to throw the baby out with the bath water in so many areas of life!  I must admit that I do it way too often! We tend to be ALL or NOTHING about things instead of doing things in moderation. I'm not saying to shoot the hope chest idea, but to keep it in perspective and see that it indeed has a place and purpose.

So what's a girl to collect?  

Okay, now that we've talked about why you should prepare, let's look at what in world we are supposed to be saving? ;) Every girl will probably set aside different things, but a few ideas are:

Kitchen supplies*-This could include appliances, utensils, canning supplies, etc...
Books/resources-theology books, reference books, health books, children's books, homeschooling books etc...
Natural products*-herbs, salves, tinctures...think about starting your own medicine chest.
Blankets, afghans etc...These make such beautiful hope chests additions if you can knit, crochet, or quilt.
Furniture-bookshelves, hopechests, tables, etc...
Dvds/cds- documentaries, commentaries, favorite movies
Pictures- Think about framing the pictures you painted, your photography, your cross-stitch projects, calligraphy etc... There's not much more special than putting your "own" touches in your new home.
Seeds-You might smile at this one, but do some research and see for yourself. There's a war on our seeds and before you know it, all of America's seeds will be owned by Monsanto and only genetically modified seeds will be available.  Consider heirloom seeds as a possibility.
Instruments: If you currently play an instrument, but don't own one....keep your eyes open: piano, violin, trumpet, handbells etc. For example, I purchased my trumpet on ebay, my violin was a customer return, my saxophone was from a yard sale, and my hand chimes were second hand.  
*It's important to remember that things can expire or warranties end before you've had a chance to use your supplies. Just keep this in mind. 

These are just helpful suggestions. The list of things you could save up is exhastive and slightly different for every girl. Anything that can be used to set up a household someday will be a benefit and a blessing when that times comes. I'm not writing this post so you'll all hit the mall tomorrow (please don't shop at the mall) but just to get your creativeness flowing. :)

Some items from a friend's hope chest....

                             Nontraditional items to collect....gotta luv being different! ;)
                                                I found this on a girl's blog recently.

Something NEW and something old and something cute. 

Below are some tips for "buying" things. I have been collecting things since I was 16 so I have learned a lot about what to buy or not to buy and I'm still learning, just ask my siblings. ;)

 One of my thrift store daddy pointed out that I'd need all those plates just to serve the relatives. ;)

 *Hey, it's on sale!
I think this is one of the big ones. It's so easy, trust me, when in a hopechesting mood to ignore the bright colored sales tags.  It's important, just like using your brain when your emotions are in high gear, to use your noggin when hit with the nesting instinct. Ask yourself, will I really use it and do I really need it? This is hard, but super important. Get over the fact that it's your favorite color and be realistic about it. Will you use it someday or will it sit and collect dust on your kitchen shelf someday? Sales are great and I don't recommend buying everything new or retail, but it's got to be first and foremost something you'll use or really like. If it's just not right....walk away.

 *Seriously, does this look like me or my sister?
Another good question to ask is does this look like me? It's similar to the point above, but different. It's easy to think something's cute, but is it YOU? Honestly why buy an amazingly nice quality set of farm scene dishes if you have always wanted a modern kitchen decorated with polka dots? Not that I'm recommending polka dotted kitchens per se, but you get my point? ;) Just keep in perspective what you are looking for. Don't worry! There will always be more sales! And next time you might look regretfully on the box of polka plates wishing you hadn't bought the others! ;)

*Hey, it's cute who cares about quality?
Okay, we are all girls so this one can be tough, but still important. My mother has always liked practical plain styles which has been kinda tough on her six very decorative, creative, and artistic girls. However, one thing that our mother's practicalness has instilled in us is that we need to purchase things to last. Practicality has it's place. I'd have to say that there is certainly a balance between practicality and cuteness, but focus on good quality and then the cuteness. You can always buy poorer quality later when you are married and just need something, but think futuristic when you purchase something right now. Will this last for more than the first year?

*Buying big and boring:
Another thing that my mother has impressed on my mind is "avoid the littles." Although it's hard not to buy the brightly colored kitchen utensils, measuring spoons might consider waiting a bit or not overdoing it. More than likely these are the things that you'll receive at your bridal shower. I really try to purchase the larger items like mixers, blenders, stainless steel cookware, knives, wood cutting boards etc... I guess what you might call the bigger, boring items. You can buy the fun stuff later, buy the important stuff now. My rule of thumb is 75% useful, practical, and quality, and 25% cute. :) AND if something fits in both camps, hey....great! :)

*Get used to being picky!
I think this kinda wraps all the other points up, but be picky with what enters your collection. There are a few things that I plan to get rid of once I unpack all of my things. It's easy to allow things like poor quality items, things you'll never use, etc... to infiltrate your collection.  If you can't see yourself using it, get rid of it or it will just clutter up your room and someday your house!

Don't underestimate skills and knowledge  

     Often we think we only need to collect stuff, but honestly your skills and knowledge are just as important if not more! I'm continually impressed by the diversity of skills many mothers including my own have obtained. Many of them can change a tire, play the piano, sing, paint the house, grout the floor, drive the tractor, sew, quilt, can, etc...My mother never ceases to amaze me in what she knows! She seems to know the answer to about everything and no matter there topic she is fairly educated on the matter. Reading and learning are so important! You plan to teach your kids, I assume? I hope so! I have spent some time homeschooling my siblings and it's a humbling experience to realize what I don't know and it gives me a child-like desire to know more! The past couple years I have made lists of what skills I'd like to obtain and what topics I'd like to learn better. And no, you won't master them all, but often many of them are very obtainable. I finally decided this year I was going to learn to quilt so my sister and I started taking classes. It was so much fun! It felt really nice to do something I've always wanted to learn. A few other things on my list are violin, photography, natural healing, piano performance, accounting/bookkeeping, canning etc...Write yourself a list and think of the things that you'd really like to know better or learn. It could be little things as crazy as learning to drive stick shift better, also on my list. ;) Pretty much anything goes. :) 

What if I never get married?

     Many older single girls don't see the point in saving up if they are never to get married. They view it as a waste and perhaps ammunition for disappointed dreams? However, it's not a waste! You don't know what God is doing in your life. Please don't assume that you know God's plans and give up (Jere 29:11). No matter where God has you, you will use what you have collected, married or not. For example, my sister decided after staying home for a bit that she was going to attend a local college. She moved to town and rented an apartment with several other girls. Every one of her roommates could hardly believe how many appliances, dishes, household wares she had collected! I'm quite sure my sister had no idea how unprepared the rest of the world was until this experience. Her roommates had absolutely nothing to furnish the apartment with, nothing to use in the kitchen, and little money to do much about it. Okay, so honestly I'm a mite sad that my sister didn't live home until she was married, and used her things to furnish  BUT my point still stands. What she had saved was very useful and guess what? She is now happily married and still using her well chosen, quality hope chest items. :) Your things will still be used. Perhaps they were used to bless someone else later. You just never know. :)

My desire in writing

     Okay, so I can get carried away on this topic and many others. :P Please don't feel bad if you don't have a dish or spoon to your name! My intention in writing this was not to bang all of you over the head with  a pot or pan! ;) This topic has been on my heart for years and could be why I am so passionate about it, perhaps a bit too much, huh. If my entire collection went up in smoke I'd have to say "Lord, Your will be done; thank you my family and I are still alive and perhaps I need to stop idolizing STUFF!" For Jesus says,"but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break and steal." Matt 6:20. My desire in writing this was to share my passion and without saying YOU MUST DO THIS!! :) There is a place for preparing for your future home, but like anything else prioritize it and don't overdo it. My desire was to share my passion and get you all thinking, and as the Lord leads you, acting and preparing. Even if you decide this is not you, at least ask yourselves "in what ways am I preparing to be married?"

Thanks for reading! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"The life of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and though the separated life may cost you many pangs, and make every day a battle, yet it is a happy life after all. No joy can excel that of the soldier of Christ: Jesus reveals Himself so graciously, and gives such sweet refreshment, that the warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily strife than others in their hours of rest." ~Charles Spurgeon

Redefining Necessities

"The whole world is watching as the government and the economy of Greece collapses.  It’s clear that any other country involved with the Euro is sliding into the same morass.  North America won’t be too far behind. If we, in North America, are wise, we will take careful notes on what is happening, because there is definitely an exam coming up.

Right now, the Greeks are struggling each day to put food on the table, to keep roofs over their heads, and to make it from Point A to Point B without getting beaten or robbed.  The paradigm has shifted that dramatically for this beautiful country surrounded by blue waters and filled with historical ruins from the cradle of civilization.  Each day is a fight for mere survival and it’s only going to get worse.
The “austerity measures” put in place due to the crumbling economy are so dramatic that starving parents are giving up their children to orphanages in hopes that they can be fed.
We have to learn from this to ensure our own survival in the years to come.
North Americans must redefine the word “necessity”.  Austerity is coming to a location near you, and it’s coming soon.

AUS·TERE [aw-steer]  
1. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict;forbidding.
2. rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent
3. grave; sober; solemn; serious.
4. without excess, luxury, or ease; limited; severe.
5. severely simple; without ornament ; lacking softness; hard
We think we have it bad now, with the actual number of unemployed people hovering at 42%.   Don’t think that I’m glossing over the terrible situation. But this is the tip of the iceberg.
The last time you went to Wal-Mart or your other favorite shopping mecca to get the week’s goods, what was in your cart? Did you do a quick run with “just the necessities”?  What did those necessities entail?
Maybe you picked up….
~ a box of cold cereal for the kids.
~ a precooked rotisserie chicken so you didn’t have to make dinner
~ a pack of disposable razors
~ liquid soap for the bathroom
~ dishtowels because they were only a dollar
~ kitty litter
~ microwave popcorn
~ Ziploc bags for the kids’ lunches
~ a 2 liter bottle of Coke
~ a magazine that caught your eye when standing in the checkout line

All of this, of course, was bought in addition to any other regular groceries you purchased.  If you were lucky and thrifty, you got out of there for about $100.
In Greece any of these items would be luxuries right now.  These are not necessities. InGreece it is difficult to procure a bottle of aspirin, to say nothing of vital drugs like blood thinners and heart medications. People are searching through garbage cans to find something to feed their kids.
Your best chance of surviving the coming financial meltdown is to take a long hard look at the goods in your cart and redefine necessities.  Instead of that 2 liter bottle of Coke, buy a bag of dried beans that can be turned into a dozen servings of nutritious food.  Get 6 bars of basic soap for the same price as that cute little pump of liquid soap for your bathroom.
The prices are only going up, and shortly items we believe we must have will become more difficult to acquire.  Learn now what a necessity is, and stock up so you have what you need when the tsunami of economic collapse reaches our shores and begins to sweep away the unprepared.

Redefine necessities:
>Food (real food, basic ingredients like vegetable, grains, beans and meat)
>Medicine and medical supplies
>Basic hygiene supplies
>Simple tools
>Defense Items

Everything else is a luxury.
To rebuild our country once it collapses, hard workers and sensible people are going to have to survive the roughest years in modern history.
Learn from the tragedy unfolding in Greece and the rest of Europe.  Redefine what necessities are to you, and prepare while you still have time.  You won’t care that your dishtowels are nice if there is no food your cupboards.
Keep the people of Europe in your prayers, see your future in them, and prepare accordingly.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Monday, April 9, 2012

The need for preparation....

 I realize the video below is possibly old hat for most of you, but still a good reminder! It's true that we can get carried away with the whole prepper thing, but people used to grow their own food, preserve their food and were much more self-sufficient than we are today! We seem to think that America today is how things always have been...hardly! We live in a false reality. Our economy is on the verge of collapse and yet we live in a false utopia! I think it's important for all of us to be continually reminded of the need to prepare and just become more self-sufficient. Overall, I think the guy in this video does a good job of just getting people thinking, but as one person pointed out, stocking up is good, but secrecy is also essential! What's the point preparing if you become a target for those who didn't think ahead? Let me know your thoughts. I'd be interested in how you all are choosing to prepare as well.

Preppers Are Crazy

Preppers are Crazy (Video) 

"Those who are stocking food, water, guns, and supplies may be crazy, but they’re not as crazy as they used to be. Via Prepper Web Site and Modern Survival Online and

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Prone to Wander: wedding modesty

 Below is a brief article about wedding modesty that I found interesting. This is a topic that gets swept under the carpet a good bit in Christian circles and yet it's so important! I'd love to hear your are mine. :)

     I'm very aware of the difficulty of finding a modest yet beautiful wedding dress. I have searched before many times and found it far from easy or enjoyable, but what you wear that day is so important and worth the hassle! You are representing the bride of Christ in front of possibly hundreds of friends and family. You will not only be a picture of Christ and His church, but your attire will also say volumes about the men in your life. 

    As women, we were created FOR men FROM men. We were created to be his glory and by respecting and honoring him we glorify God. A young woman's clothing begs the question "whose your authority?" I like to ask myself. What does my appearance say about my father? Do you want people to think little of your father and/or your husband's ability to protect you because of the way you are dressed? Does your attire say "available" or "very well protected and loved?" Your father walks you down the isle as your "head" and yet what does your attire say about how you respect that headship? You could be the sweetest most submissive girl in the world and yet your attire can say quite the opposite. We all desire for our Daddies to walk us down the isle to show the world their protection of us yet does our clothing contradict this truth? 

     Biblically, you are the glory of your husband. This isn't something you can change, but you certainly can dishonor him by the way you portray yourself to other men. You say you wish to honor your man? Show respect by saving yourself for him starting with your wedding day. You look him in the eyes and vow that you will be faithful to him and yet you are dressed to cause other men to be unfaithful? What does this say about you and your vows? Dressing immodestly is an issue no matter the occasion, but your wedding day? WHY of all days must it be your wedding day and why is this often the day when a conservative woman decides to if a bit? This is your day to bring glory to your father AND future husband at the same moment surrounded by hundreds of people! What an incredible opportunity to respect the men in your life through which brings glory to your heavenly Father! 

     I wish I could say that all conservative guys will be strong in this area, but it's not so. I admire the men in my life who will say what needs to be said, but men are visual and if they aren't careful will allow their brides/wives to dress provocatively because they like it. However, a true man of God will be honest no matter how difficult or awkward the topic may seem. Although a man may allow you to dress as you wish for that big day, he will respect you more if you honor him and yourself by being modest. Trust me; you will look beautiful to him even if all he can see is your eyes  and he will respect you for your decision to save yourself for him. Don't think that you are selling yourself short. The ones getting the short end are all those girls who tell the world that they don't respect their father or future husband by parading their vulnerability for all to see. I don't know about you, but I want my attire to say "I'm protected and well loved and I'm saved for my man!" 

Okay, enough of MY thoughts :P

Modesty on your wedding day! 
by Carolyn Mahaney

Last September, when CJ and I had the privilege of going to The Bible Church of Little Rock, CJ spoke on the topic of modesty. At the conclusion of my husband’s sermon, the church’s worship pastor, Todd Murray, presented an additional appeal in his closing remarks. He urged all girls to consider modesty even when shopping for formal attire and wedding dresses. His words were laden with care and compassion, yet they carried an appropriate soberness. We felt Todd’s exhortation was too important to be heard only by the girls of his church, so we asked if we could post his words here at girltalk. He graciously agreed. Let’s listen in and be challenged by one pastor’s heart and plea to the women of his church:
Ladies, please don’t forget to apply these principles of modesty to formal events and weddings.  In recent years, I have become increasingly grieved by the immodest dresses of both brides and bridesmaids at the weddings that I officiate.  I have observed a number of young ladies in our fellowship who have dressed modestly all their lives appearing on their wedding day in extremely provocative dresses, exposing more of themselves than on any other day of their lives.
I assume the best about what is going on in the hearts of these young women. I don’t think that they went to the wedding dress shop determined to be provocative.  No doubt, they just wanted a dress that would be elegant on this day that they have dreamed of all their lives.  When a bride and mother set out on their expedition to find a wedding dress, they are, quite naturally, thinking like… women! Unfortunately, there is no one in the shop who is thinking like a man! I’d like to make a radical proposal, girls. Why not take your father with you to the wedding boutique?  If that thought is just too much for you (or your Dad!) at least consider taking the dress out on approval and allowing your dad to see it before you make your final purchase.
Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself when shopping for a wedding or bridesmaid’s dress:
Does this dress reflect the fact that a wedding ceremony is a holy service of worship and not a fashion show?
Can I picture myself standing in this dress, for an extended period of time, just a few feet from my pastor as he opens the Word of God and leads me in my solemn vows?
Pastor Todd Murray isn’t the only one concerned about immodesty at weddings. I know the pastors of my church share this concern as well.
Having three married daughters, I know the challenges involved in finding modest wedding attire. However, with a lot of time and effort, it can be done! As Todd mentioned, the dad’s role is crucial in this process. CJ helped our girls by providing guidelines for appropriate bridal wear and giving final approval to their choices. Quite simply, the standard of modesty and self-control didn’t change. Here are some criteria CJ gave to the girls:
1.    Find a wedding dress with a neckline that completely conceals any cleavage.
2.    Avoid dresses without sufficient covering in the back.
3.    Strapless gowns or dresses with only spaghetti straps are revealing and thus do not  serve the men in attendance at your wedding.
4.    A modest gown should not be excessively tight and draw unnecessary attention to your figure.
Once again, we hope these specifics assist you in evaluating modest bridal and evening attire. However, please be on guard against the temptation to be self-righteous toward those who choose differently. If you think a bride is dressed immodestly, her wedding day is not the appropriate occasion to comment on her dress! Simply rejoice with her in the goodness of God displayed in her marriage.
And if you are preparing to get married, we hope these thoughts serve you in your effort to plan a ceremony that brings glory to God. May He give you much joy on that special day!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Will U.S Troops Fire on American Citizens??

By Avalon & Shepard Ambellas
April 1, 2012
Who would believe that in the year 2012 one would have to ask if the U.S. Military would fire on American Citizen’s?
The question of troop involvement in a possible upcoming Martial Law scenario that is being predicted is no imaginary possibility – nor is it a ‘conspiracy theory’.
Other tough questions are being discussed such as, “Will the U.S. government confiscate Gold and Silver in an economic collapse?” and “Will there be a round-up of American Citizens to be put into FEMA Camps?”
Many believe that the United Nations will be given authority to step in to keep the peace in any civil unrest or economic collapse. This is a strong possibility.
Readers should be familiar with the term ‘Hidden In Plain Sight’. How this applies to the United Nations is simple.
The United Nations main purpose is to be the centerpiece of the coming World Government that will control nearly of aspect of the global population.
For years their military strength has grow as they are now increasingly tasked with upholding law and order in conflicts around the world.
Research into the U.N and prove to yourself that this is or isn’t the case. The U.N. is the governing body of The New World Order – Hidden In Plain Sight.
Investigate their corporate operation as well as the growing number of sites they control and you will discover they now even own the World Weather Service.
An update to this article will list the number of organizations that the United Nations has established, you will be amazed.
A recent Senate Armed Services Committee conference with Sen. Sessions and the Pentagon’s Leon Panetta clearly shows that the United Nations would be involved in authorizing Military Action in Iran, similar to the Libya and Iraq invasions.
Two of the most widely known United Nations programs are Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius.
These are beyond the scope of this article but one other program is of significance which is the U.N. Rapid Deployment Police.
 The United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act of 2001(House Resolution 938) Status of H.R. 938 CosponsorsThe United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force (H.R. 938) was introduced on March 8, 2001 by Representatives James McGovern (D-MA) and Amo Houghton (R-NY) in the House of Representatives. The legislation calls upon the President to use the United States’ “voice, vote, and influence” to urge the UN:
  • to establish a United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force (Police and Security Force) that can be quickly dispatched under the authority of the UN Security Council; to recruit volunteer personnel for the force; and to provide equitable and reliable funding for the Police and Security Force.
Additionally, the legislation calls upon the President to:
  • urge UN member nations to enter into regional partnerships for the purpose of forming Rapid Deployment Brigades, made up of on-call units of national forces, capable of deploying within 30 days of a Security Council resolution;
  • and direct the Secretary of Defense to undertake a study to determine the availability of and feasibility of using U.S. forces as part of the rapid deployment brigades.

What would the Police and Security Force do? It would:
  • be able to deploy within 15 days of a Security Council resolution to establish international peace operations, with a limited deployment of no more than six months for any given mission;
  • only be deployed when the Security Council determines that violations of human rights and/or breaches of the peace require a rapid response to ensure adherence to negotiated agreements to prevent or end hostilities;
  • consist of at least 6,000 volunteers employed directly by the UN, who train together and are appropriately equipped expressly for international peace operations, including civilian policing; and
  • be given the authority to protect itself, execute negotiated peace accords, disarm combatants, protect civilians, detain war criminals, restore the rule of law, and to carry out other purposes as detailed in Security Council resolutions.

Many readers will recall the survey given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California.
The survey asked the respondents to consider the following statement: “I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
The current situation is even more alarming, for example:
The passing of the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which THEBLAZE covers in an article titled, “Can the ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Send Americans to Military Prison Without Trial?” (12-08-11) has caused even the most skeptic to be concerned for their personal safety – especially those fighting for liberty.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness: Comparing Previous Executive Orders article that posted online is another example of the emergence of a Fascist Police State taking complete control.
Lastly, the purchase by the Department of Homeland Security of 450,000,000 rounds of ammunition over a five year period should be warning enough that something is definitely wrong.
Who are these rounds to be used on? Even at 80,000,000 rounds per year, that’s one bullet for every dissenter at a minimum.
The fact that the United Nations is the unelected yet-to-be Global Government should be warning enough that the United States of America is in great peril. The only intelligent thing to do is… PREPARE.
There is also the chance that the powers that be will play out a pandemic type scenario in which the military will receive orders from the top brass to quarantine US citizens.
This scenario may be the most probable – let’s entertain it.
It would likely go something like this:
A loudspeaker (megaphone) attached to a UN (United Nations) van passing through a middle-class neighborhood resinates a pre-recorded message,
“This neighborhood has been declared a pandemic zone… Pandemic level 6 martial law is now in place… Please stay in your homes as a quarantine has been imposed… If you are found in violation of this order you can be fined, imprisoned, or even shot… Food will eventually be dropped at your doorstep” (message repeating)
Essentially at one point people will get hungry and from there chaos will ensue.
Shepard Ambellas host of The Intel Hub Radio Show once asked a military caller on air what they would do in a pandemic situation (like the one laid out above).
The caller replied;
“That would be a tough one.”

Further Research and Sources

Obama Admin Cites ‘Int’l Permission,’ Not Congress, As ‘Legal Basis’ For Action In Syria
Uploaded by SenatorSessions on Mar 7, 2012
WASHINGTON, March 7—Under question from Sen. Sessions at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing today, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey indicated that “international permission,” rather than Congressional approval, provided a ‘legal basis’ for military action by the United States.
What is Agenda 21?  If you do not know about it, you should.
Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.
‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right?  It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

Private Property ownership
At risk from Agenda 21;
  • Single-Family homes
  • Private car ownership and individual travel choices
  • Privately owned farms
The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property.  For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land;
Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.
There are two more, very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it: George Soros and the United Nations. Soros money has been tracked to funding parts of ICLEI ;
In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®)
Creation of a US force for stability is consistent with statements by senior officials in the Bush Administration and expressions of congressional interest in creating effective US forces to handle peacekeeping missions. Even before
taking office, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said the incoming Administration would “think hard” about developing forces to perform police functions and might replace soldiers with international police to perform peacekeeping missions.
7 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told European defense ministers in Brussels on 18 December 2001 that NATO forces in Bosnia should be replaced by an armed European constabulary unit that would deal with organized crime.
8 Such Administration thinking seems to parallel similar thoughts in Congress. The United Nations Rapid Deployment Act of 2001 (HR 938), which was introduced by Representative James McGovern with 17 cosponsors, calls for the
President to help establish aUNRapid Deployment Police and Security Force, utilizing the Stryker Brigade Combat Teams as part of Rapid Deployment Brigades.
DPKO provides political and executive direction to UN Peacekeeping operations around the world and maintains contact with the Security Council, troop and financial contributors, and parties to the conflict in the implementation of Security Council mandates.
Our military and police personnel are first and foremost members of their own national services and are then seconded to work with the UN.
A peacekeeping operation is led by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), and works to create the conditions for lasting peace in a country torn by conflict.
The following survey was given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California:
DD Form 3206 (Rev 2/96)
JOINT SERVICES TRAINING COMBAT ARMS SURVEYPart A (Confidential when filled in)This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the attitudes of combat trained personnel with regard to non-traditional missions. All responses are confidential and official. Write your answers directly on the form. In Part II, place an “X” in the space provided for your response.Date:_____________Part 1. Demographics.
1. Branch of Service: Army ( ) USAF ( ) Navy ( ) Marines ( ) ANG ( ) NG ( ) USCG ( ) Other: ( )2. Pay Grade: (E-6, O-4, etc) ( )3. MOS, AFSC or Specialty Code and Description: ( )4. Highest level of education: Less than 12 ( ) 13 ( ) 14 ( ) 15 ( ) (16) ( ) More than 16 ( )5. How many months did you serve in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield?( )
6. How many months did you serve in Somalia? ( )
7. Where did you spend most of your childhood?
City: ( ); County: ( ) State: ( )
Part II. Attitude:
Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the U.S. and bordering countries for any of the following missions?
(Strongly Disagree) (Disagree) (Agree) (Strongly Agree) (No Opinion)
8. Drug enforcement
9. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
10. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games, Super Bowl)
11. Environmental disaster clean-up including toxic and nuclear
12. Substitute teachers and school workers in public schools
13. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, environmental clean-up,road repair, animal control)
14. Federal and State prison guards and auxiliary police
15. National emergency police force/international security force
16. Advisors to SWAT units, the FBI, or the BATF
17. Border Patrol (e.g. prevention of entry of illegal aliens into U.S. territory)
18. Drug enforcement and interdiction
19. Disaster relief in bordering countries (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.)
20. Environmental disaster clean-up in bordering countries including toxic and nuclear.
21. Peace keeping and local law enforcement and internal security forces
22. National building (reconstruct civil governments, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.)
23. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing and clothing and domestic care).
Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers appointed by the U.N. for any of the following missions?
24. Drug enforcement.
25. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
26. Environmental disaster clean-up including toxic and nuclear.
27. Peace keeping including local law enforcement and internal security forces
28. National building (reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.
29. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing and clothing and domestic care)
30. Police action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm but serving under non-U.S. officers)
31. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units during these exercises under U.S. command and control.
32. The U.N. runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises
33. The U.N. runs a field training exercise. U. S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command and control.
34. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N.missions as long as the U.S. has full command and control.
35. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions under U.N. command and control.
36. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and non- commissioned officers at battalion, wing and company levels while performing U.N. missions.
37. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. soldiers as members of my team.
38. It would make no difference to me to take orders from a U.N. company or squadron commander.
39. I feel the President of the U.S. has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.
40. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving as a U.N. soldier.
41. I feel my unit’s combat effectiveness would not be affected by performing huminatarian and peace keeping missions for the U.N.
42. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently assigned to the command and control of the U.N.
43. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.
44. I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace.
45. I would swear to the following code:
“I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation’s way of life. I swear and affirm to support and defend the Charter of the United Nations and I am prepared to give my life in its defense.”
46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-approved firearms. A 30-day amnesty period is established for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of irregular citizen groups and defiant individuals refuse to turn over their firearms to authority.
Consider the following statement:
“I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
End of Survey